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Showing posts from June, 2024

Explore the Earth, Maps and Satellite Images

Google Maps and Google Earth are very common platforms today to explore maps and satellite images of the earth. But there are many other ways to explore the earth. Some are listed here.  1.   Earth Explorer This map is developed by USGS helpful to obtain earth imagery across available geo-spatial data types. Users can navigate via interactive map or text search to obtain Landsat satellite imagery, Radar data, UAS data, digital line graphs, digital elevation model data, aerial photos, Sentinel satellite data, some commercial satellite imagery including IKONOS and OrbView3, land cover data, digital map data from the National Map, and many other datasets. Users can search by exact location via the interactive map or input specific coordinates to view what data types are available. 2.   Sentinel Hub This platform developed by  Sinergise has Sentinel, Landsat, and other Earth observation imagery easily accessible for browsing, visualization and analysi...

Geological Organizations and Associations in Nepal

Geologists in Nepal are working in very diverse sectors. There are some organizations and associations in the country which are responsible for promotion of geological activities and professionals.  1.  Department of Mines and Geology The Department of Mines and Geology (DMG) is the only government organization that responsible for all types of geological survey, mineral exploration and administration of Mining Rules and Regulations in Nepal. It conducts various geological surveys though out the country and publishes Geological Maps, Engineering Geological Maps and various other geology and mining related reports ad documents. 2. Nepal Geological Society (NGS) NGS  is a professional scientific organization of Geoscientists founded in 1980, creating a international network of geoscientists engaged in the research of the Himalaya, Karakorum, Hindukush and Tibet.  3.  Nepal Society of Engineering Geology (NSEG) NSEG   is a non-profitable society working in a c...

Status of Petroleum Exploration in Nepal

Background Nepal lies in the central Asia between China to the north and India to the south. Southern Nepal occupies some 20 to 40 km wide Terai plain (Indo-Gangetic plain) about a few hundred meters above sea level. The Terai and the Siwalik areas are in the foreland of the Nepal Himalaya and are known for sedimentary basins with considerable thickness. Several sedimentary formations of the basins could have generated petroleum and could be located in suitable structural traps. Terai and Siwaliks are thus target areas for hydrocarbon exploration. This part of the country is covered by road network, electricity lines, etc., and is the most accessible region in Nepal. It is notable that oil and gas seeps have been observed to the north of Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in different parts of the country from time immemorial. These seepages, as in Dailekh, western Nepal, were subjected to only preliminary analysis in the sixties, but extensive geochemical studies were done in 1993. One of the...

Histroy Of Power Development in Nepal

  Hydropower has been in use in Nepal for centuries in the form of traditional vertical axis water wheel (pani ghatta'). During the Rana Regime (1846-1951), no serious attempts were made until 1930 for initiating .economic development in a systematic basis. The first hydroelectric installation in Nepal was 500 kW .hydropower plant at Pharping built in 1911 to power electricity. to Kathmandu. Another installation was done .at Sundarijal of 900 kW (64Q kW now) capacity in 1934. It was only in 1935 that a development agency was constituted by the name of UDYOG PARISHAD (Development Board). However, a planning approach to development ,in Nepal  began in 1956 with the formulation of the First Five Year Plan (1956-1961).  Electric Power Development in 20th Century In the First Plan (1956-1961), some work was dope on projects of Teku and Bhaktiur diesel stations, generating only t970 kW ,of additional power. In the interim year between the First and Second Plan, 105kW of diesel ...

Pokhara, City of Lakes !!

  Pokhara, a majestic place and beauty of nature. The valley is know for the 7 lakes.

Nepal Society of Engineering Geology (NSEG)

Nepal Society of Engineering Geology (NSEG) , founded in 2018, is a non-profitable society working in a congregational manner in Nepal as well as international level in the field of Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering. It also enhances the International Association of Engineering Geology and Environment (IAEG) membership to achieve some common goals in the development of engineering geological science.  The priorities aim of the society is to upgrade engineering geology through research, survey, investigation, exchanging views and perspectives with national or international experts and by promoting other scientific activities with some of the new techniques.  NSEG is a professional and scientific organization comprising members from the fields of Engineering Geology, Geology, Geomorphology, Geography, Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Disaster Risk Management. The NSEG will bridge between geologists, engineers and social scientists in Nepal and will...

Nepal Geological Society (NGS)

Nepal Geological Society (NGS) founded in 1980 is a professional scientific organization of Geoscientists. It was formally registered at the office of Chief District Officer in Kathmandu, Nepal on 15 April 1980 (2 Baishakh 2037 BS). It has about 1000 members, out of which nearly one third are international members from the Asia- Pacific, Europe, Australia and North America.. The Executive Committee carries out the day to day management and other affairs of the society. NGS has been able to effectively establish an international network of geoscientists engaged in the research of the Himalaya, Karakorum, Hindukush and Tibet. It is also the National Group Member of  InternationalAssociation for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) . As a member of Nepal National Committee on International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) the society led the IDNDR activities in Nepal throughout the decade (1990 – 2000) by organizing seminars, works...

Geological Curriculum for High School in Nepal

                                  Geological Curriculum for High School in Nepal Abstract: This article is about the need of implementation of geological curriculum in the high school level. As the need of time, geology course is becoming a must to the modern civilization, to make people aware about natural hazards and environmental conservation. In developing countries like Nepal, knowledge about geology is necessary right from the school level as our country is frequently affected by natural hazards like earthquake, flood, landslide etc and to increase tourism through proper management of natural sites and mountaineering. So,    this article raises the needs and benefits of geosciences education in the high school level of Nepal. Key Words:  geology  curriculum ,  high school geology, geology in Nepal   1. INTRODUCTION Geology is the science comprising the study of solid ...

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