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Showing posts from September, 2024

सेनाको संख्या घटाउने कि बढाउने

  #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 देशमा चालू खर्च चुलिदो छ। चालू खर्च  र वित्तीय व्यवस्थापनको बोझ दिनानुदिन बढ्दा हालै ल्याईएको आ व ०८१/८२ को बजेट पुजिगत खर्चको हिस्सा १९% प्रतिशत भन्दा कम देखिन्छ। समयक्रम सगै विकासका लागि झन् ठुला र महत्वकान्छी योजनाको माग बढीरहदा यस्को स्रओत कहावाट जुटाउने भन्ने समस्या देखीन थालेको छ।  सरकारको अपेक्षीत राजश्व संकलनले चालु खर्च नै मुस्कीलले धान्ने अवश्थामा विकाश वजेटको व्यवस्थापन नै अहिलेको मुख्य चुनौति रहेको छ। चालु खर्च काम गर्नका लागी अनेको प्रयासहरु गरिएका पनि छन। सरकारले विभीन्न समयमा विभिन्न सरकारी निकायहरु गाभ्ने तथा खारेज गर्ने घोषणा पनि गरेको छ तर तिनको कार्यान्वयन प्रभावकारी रुपमा हुन सकेको छैन। यस्तै अनेकन प्रयास र चर्चा परिचर्चामा रहेको कुराको सेनाको संख्या। सेनाको संख्या घटाउने बढाउने विषयमा विभिन्न तह तप्कामा छलफल तथा वहस चलिरहेको छन। सेनाको संख्या घटाउने बढाउने  विषयमा दुवै पक्षमा जोडदार आवाजहरु सुनिन्छन। सेनाको हालको संख्या लगभग ९८००० जना रहेको छ। देशको सुरक्षा संयन्त्रको प्रमुख हिस्सा रहेको नेपाली सेना हाल मुख्य त व्

Dolomite in Nepal

  Dolomite occur mainly in Mahabharat range in Dhankuta, Khotang, Udayapur, Sindhuli, Dolakha, Kavre, Kathmandu, Makwanpur, Dhadhing, Syangja, Palpa, Baglung, Gulmi, Arghakhanchi, Dang, Pyuthan, Sallyan, Rolpa, Rukum, Jajarkot, Surkhet, Dailekh, Jumla, Achham, Doti, Bajhang, Bajura, Baitadi and Darchula districts in the Lesser Himalaya and in some parts of Higher Himalaya and Tibetan Tethys (Inner Himalaya) region (Kaphle, 2005, 2020).  The quality of dolomite depends on its chemical composition like MgO%, CaO%, SiO2%, Al2O3%, Fe20%, LOI%. Depending on these oxides it can be used in different industries. Dolomite is a potential source of metallic magnesium. It is used to manufacture soral cement and also in refractories, high magnesium lime, flux for iron and steel industries, ferroalloy industries, fertilizer industries and acid water treatment plants. Dolomite can be directly used in agricultural field to neutralize acidity and also to make up the loss of magnesia in soil. MgCO3 is u


 #RightToRejectIn2084 #WeWantRightToRejectIn2084 #Mission84 #RightToReject #NoneOfTheAbove #NOTA #ElectionNepal #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToRejectin2084 #RightToRejectin2084   #WeWantRightToR

Right to Reject

  "Right to Reject," or "None of the Above" (NOTA)  option in election papers, allows voters to choose an option that signifies they do not support any of the candidates standing in the election. This option is intended to give voters a formal way to express dissatisfaction with all candidates and to potentially influence political parties to offer more suitable candidates. Though NOTA does not typically result in the annulment of the election or a re-election, it can highlight voter dissatisfaction and encourage political reform.  On January,2014, the Supreme Court has directed the government to provision the voters’ “right to reject” all candidates in elections. Its been 10 years past and still the Government and Election Commission have not shown any interest in implementing this decision and  the court ruling,  was not implemented in the 2017 and  2022 elections.  This  rule will allow a voter with an option to reject all the candidates mentioned on ballot paper