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Explore the Earth, Maps and Satellite Images

Google Maps and Google Earth are very common platforms today to explore maps and satellite images of the earth. But there are many other ways to explore the earth. Some are listed here.  1.   Earth Explorer This map is developed by USGS helpful to obtain earth imagery across available geo-spatial data types. Users can navigate via interactive map or text search to obtain Landsat satellite imagery, Radar data, UAS data, digital line graphs, digital elevation model data, aerial photos, Sentinel satellite data, some commercial satellite imagery including IKONOS and OrbView3, land cover data, digital map data from the National Map, and many other datasets. Users can search by exact location via the interactive map or input specific coordinates to view what data types are available. 2.   Sentinel Hub This platform developed by  Sinergise has Sentinel, Landsat, and other Earth observation imagery easily accessible for browsing, visualization and analysi...

B.Sc. Geology in Nepal


B.Sc. Geology | Tribhuvan University

Bachelor of Science in Geology (BSc in Geology) is an undergraduate program offered by Tribhuvan University (TU), under the management of Institute of Science and Technology (IoST). It is a four year annual degree program total that includes theory, laboratory practical, field work and thesis writing. The duration of BSc in Geology program was changed from 3 years to 4 years from the year 2069 BS (2012 A.D) to provide international standard of education to students at a reasonable price in Nepal.

Bachelor of Science in Geology program deals with the study of physical and chemical nature, structure and geological process of earth with comprehensive understanding of earth surface processes, earth materials, tectonics, rock forming processes and paleontology including petroleum geology, volcanologist, structural geology, hydrology, sedimentary geology and climate change. This is a rigorous program for students who are excitedly interested and passionate to study about earth, its formation, natural resources and environmental hazards.

List of B.Sc. Geology Colleges

1. Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu
2. Birendra Multiple Campus, Bharatpur, Chitwan
3. Central Campus of Technology, Hattisar, Dharan
4. Prithvi Narayan Campus, Bagar, Pokhara

Objectives of B.Sc. Geology

  • BSc in Geology prepares students to pursue higher studies like Masters’ level program in Geology or other related field.
  • To empower, encourage and develop skilled, intellectual and passionate geologists to work as Researcher in Geological laboratories, companies and industries for the study related to earth, evolution, landform and related subjects.
  • Bachelor of Science in Geology prepares successful graduates who can apply their techniques and knowledge within the field of geology for the solution of applied research or geological problems.
  • To prepare students for practical workforce as geoscientists, geochemists, meteorologist and prepare them to work professionally and successfully.
  • BSc in Geology degree provides skill and ability to the students to recognize, formulate and interpret the scientific methodology and critical thinking skills in geological or related field.
  • To develop excellent research and communication skills to prepare students to work and conduct research on petroleum and oil sectors for its generation and improve the economy of the nation.
  • To prepare skilled human resources to work as Hydrologist for the development of hydropower sector and as Sedimentologist for soil checking during the construction of buildings.


B.Sc. First Year Geology (Geo. 101)

Course Contents

1. Fundamentals of Geology

2. Crystallography and Mineralogy

3. Structure Geology

B.Sc. Second Year Geology (Geo. 201)

Course Contents

1. Petrology

  • Igneous Petrology
  • Metamorphic Petrology
  • Sedimentary Petrology

2. Palaeontology and Historical Geology

3. Sedimentology

B.Sc. Third Year Geology

A) Geology of economic mineral deposits, Stratigraphy and Geology of Nepal, Geochemistry and Geophysics (Geo. 301) Regular

Course Contents

Geology of economic mineral deposits

Stratigraphy and Geology of Nepal

Geochemistry and Geophysics

B) Geomorphology - Elective (Geo. 303)

Course Contents

  • Basic Concepts
  • Processes and types of weathering
  • Igneous activity and landforms
  • Structural landforms
  • Lithology and landforms
  • Mass movements
  • Fluvial Geomorphology
  • Coastal and aeolian geomorphology
  • Glacial geomorphology
  • Climatic change and Polygenetic landforms
  • Applied geomorphology

B.Sc. Fourth Year Geology

A) Exploration Geology and Mining Geology (Geo. 401)

Course Contents

Exploration Geology

Mining Geology

B) Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (Geo. 403)

Course Contents

Engineering Geology


C) Fundamentals of Economics and Management (Geo. 407)

Course Contents




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