Google Maps and Google Earth are very common platforms today to explore maps and satellite images of the earth. But there are many other ways to explore the earth. Some are listed here. 1. Earth Explorer This map is developed by USGS helpful to obtain earth imagery across available geo-spatial data types. Users can navigate via interactive map or text search to obtain Landsat satellite imagery, Radar data, UAS data, digital line graphs, digital elevation model data, aerial photos, Sentinel satellite data, some commercial satellite imagery including IKONOS and OrbView3, land cover data, digital map data from the National Map, and many other datasets. Users can search by exact location via the interactive map or input specific coordinates to view what data types are available. 2. Sentinel Hub This platform developed by Sinergise has Sentinel, Landsat, and other Earth observation imagery easily accessible for browsing, visualization and analysi...
Biostratigraphy. The element of stratigraphy that deals with the distribution of fossils in the stratigraphic record and the organization of strata into units on the basis of their contained fossils. Biostratigraphic classification. The systematic subdivision and organization of the stratigraphic section into named units based on their fossil content. Biostratigraphic zone (Biozone). A general term for any kind of biostratigraphic unit regardless of thickness or geographic extent. Biozones vary greatly in thickness, geographic extent, and represented time span. Biostratigraphic horizon (Biohorizon). A stratigraphic boundary, surface, or interface across which there is a significant change in biostratigraphic character. A biohorizon has no thickness and should not be used to describe very thin stratigraphic units that are especially distinctive Kinds of Biostratigraphic Units Five kinds of biozones are in common use: range zo...